Functions allow to manipulate and control the server, or alter internal structures and entities.
et.RegisterModname( modname )
Registers a descriptive name for this mod.
modname is the name to register the Lua module.
vmnumber = et.FindSelf()
Returns the assigned Lua VM slot number.
vmnumber is the returned slot number assigned to this Lua VM.
modname, signature = et.FindMod( vmnumber )
Returns the name and SHA1 signature for the mod loaded in a VM slot.
vmnumber is the VM slot number of the Lua module.
modname, signature are the returned registered module’s name and SHA-1 signature. Returns nil, nil if the VM slot is invalid.
success = et.IPCSend( vmnumber, message )
Sends a message string to the mod in the another VM slot.
vmnumber is the VM slot number of the Lua module to send a message to.
message is the message to sent to the Lua module.
Returns 1 if the message is sent successfully, and 0 if it fails.
The mod receiving message must have an et_IPCReceive() callback.
Data cannot be received and sent back in the same server frame.
et_IPCReceive( vmnumber, message )
Called when another module sends an et.IPCSend() message to this module.
vmnumber is the VM slot number of the sender.
message is the message sent.
The sender module must be loaded earlier in the lua_modules cvar, otherwise the receiver module cannot find it.
See the Inter Process Communication (IPC) sample code for an example of communication between different loaded Lua modules.
et.G_Print( text )
Prints text to the server console.
text is the printed string.
et.G_LogPrint( text )
Prints text to the server console and writes it to the server log.
text is the printed and logged string.
Argument handling
These functions are to be used within the command callback functions.
args = et.ConcatArgs( index )
Returns all arguments beginning concatenated into a single string.
index is the index of the first argument in the concatenated string.
args is the returned concatenated string.
argcount = et.trap_Argc()
Returns the number of command line arguments in the server command.
argcount is the returned count of arguments.
arg = et.trap_Argv( index )
Returns the contents of the command line argument.
index is the index of the argument to return.
arg is the returned argument.
cvarvalue = et.trap_Cvar_Get( name )
Returns the value of the given cvar.
name is the name of the cvar.
cvarvalue is the returned string containing the value. If there is no cvar with the given name, the returning string has zero length.
et.trap_Cvar_Set( name, cvarvalue )
Sets value to a cvar.
name is the name of the cvar to set.
cvarvalue is the new value for the cvar.
configstring = et.trap_GetConfigstring( index )
Returns content of the configstring index.
index is the index of the configstring. See et.CS_* constants for possible values.
configstring is the returned string containing the full configstring.
et.trap_SetConfigstring( index, value )
Sets the full configstring.
index is the configstring index. See et.CS_* constants for possible values.
value is the full configstring to set.
et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( when, command )
Sends command to the server console.
when tells when the command is executed. See et.EXEC_* constants for possible values.
command is the full command to execute.
et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientnum, command )
Sends the command command to the client clientnum. If clientnum is -1, the command is broadcast to all clients.
See SendServerCommand() for a detailed example usage of possible commands.
et.trap_DropClient( clientnum, reason, bantime )
Disconnects client from the server.
clientnum is the slot number of the client.
reason is the descriptive reason for the kick which is reported to the client.
bantime is the length of the ban in seconds.
clientnum = et.ClientNumberFromString( string )
Searches for one partial match with player name.
string is a pattern to match against client names.
clientnum is the returned client slot number if one match is found, otherwise nil is returned (none or more than one match).
et.G_Say( clientNum, mode, text )
Sends a chat command on behalf of client.
clientnum is the slot number of the client.
mode is the broadcast mode. See et.SAY_* constants.
text is the chat text.
et.MutePlayer( clientnum, duration, reason )
Mutes the specified player.
clientnum is the slot number of the client to mute.
duration is the optional duration of the mute in seconds.
reason is the optional reason of the mute.
et.UnmutePlayer( clientnum )
Unmutes the specified player.
clientnum is the slot number of the client to unmute.
userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum )
Returns the userinfo string of a client.
clientnum is the slot number of the client.
userinfo is the returned string of the specified client.
et.trap_SetUserinfo( clientnum, userinfo )
Sets the userinfo string of the client to the specified userinfo.
clientnum is the slot number of the client.
userinfo is the userinfo string that replaces the current userinfo.
The et.ClientUserinfoChanged() function must be called after this function for the changes to take effect.
et.ClientUserinfoChanged( clientnum )
Loads the new userinfo string of the client and sets the client settings to match it.
clientnum is the slot number of the client.
String utility
newinfostring = et.Info_RemoveKey( infostring, key )
Removes a key and its associated value from an infostring.
infostring is the infostring from which to remove the key.
key is the key to remove.
newinfostring is the returned modified infostring without the key.
newinfostring = et.Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, key, value )
Sets a value in an infostring.
infostring is the original infostring.
key is the key to set.
value is the value to set to the key. If empty, the key is removed from the infostring.
newinfostring is the returned modified infostring.
keyvalue = et.Info_ValueForKey( infostring, key )
Returns a value from an infostring.
infostring is the infostring from where to search the key.
key is the key which value is returned.
keyvalue is the returned value from the searched key. If key is not present in the infostring, an empty string is returned.
cleanstring = et.Q_CleanStr( string )
Returns string stripped of all color codes and special characters.
string is the string to clean.
cleanstring is the returned cleaned string.
fd, len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, mode )
Opens a file in the local file system.
filename is the name of the file to open. The file is opened under the current working directory and absolute paths will not work.
mode is the access mode the file is opened. See et.FS_* constants for possible values.
fd, len are returned descriptor of the file and the length of the file. On error, len returns -1.
filedata = et.trap_FS_Read( fd, count )
Reads from an open file.
fd is the descriptor of the file to read.
count is the amount of bytes to read.
filedata is the returned value that have the read bytes.
count = et.trap_FS_Write( filedata, count, fd )
Writes at the end of an open file.
filedata is a block of bytes to write.
count is the size of the block to write.
fd is the descriptor of the file.
count is the returned amount of bytes written to the file.
et.trap_FS_FCloseFile( fd )
Closes an opened file.
fd is the descriptor of the opened file.
et.trap_FS_Rename( oldname, newname )
Renames a file in the local file system.
oldname is the name of the file to rename.
newname is the name the old file name is changed to.
filelist = et.trap_FS_GetFileList( dirname, fileextension )
Retrieves list of files from a directory.
dirname is the name of the directory.
filextension is the file extension of file names to retrieve.
filelist is the returned array of file names strings.
soundindex = et.G_SoundIndex( filename )
Returns the index to the searched soundfile.
filename is the sound file name that is searched.
soundindex is the returned string index that includes the filename or 0 if not found.
modelindex = et.G_ModelIndex( filename )
Returns the index to the searched model.
filename is the name that is searched.
modelindex is the returned string index that included the filename or 0 if not found.
et.G_globalSound( sound )
Plays a sound to all connected clients.
sound is the name of the sound to play.
et.G_Sound( entnum, soundindex )
Plays a sound originating from position of an entity.
entnum is the number of the entity which position is used as the sound origin.
soundindex is the index of the sound that is played.
et.G_ClientSound( clientnum, soundindex )
Plays a sound originating from a client entity to the team members of that client.
clientnum is the slot number of the connected player.
soundindex is the index to the sound to play.
milliseconds = et.trap_Milliseconds()
Returns level time.
milliseconds is the returned time in milliseconds.
success = et.isBitSet( bit, value )
Checks bit status of a bitmask value.
bit is the checked bit.
value is the bitmask value.
Returns 1 if the bit is set in the bitmask value, and 0 if it is not.
et.G_Damage( target, inflictor, attacker, damage, dflags, mod )
Damages target entity on behalf of the attacker entity.
target is the entity number to damage.
inflictor is the entity number that does the damage.
attacker is the entity number that causes the inflictor entity to cause damage to target.
damage is the amount of damage to inflict.
dflags is the type of damage to inflict. See Damage bitflags for possible values.
mod is the means of death. See et.MOD_* constants for possible values.
et.G_AddSkillPoints( clientNum, skill, points )
Adds points to the client’s skill.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
skill identifies the skill that the points are added to. See Skill types for possible values.
points is the amount of points to add.
et.G_LoseSkillPoints( clientNum, skill, points )
Removes points to the client’s skill.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
skill identifies the skill that the points are removed from. See Skill types for possible values.
points is the amount of points to remove.
et.G_XP_Set ( clientNum , xp, skill, add )
Sets XP of the client.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
xp is the number of XP points.
skill identifies the skill that the points are added to. See Skill types for possible values.
add sets the XP points if 0, or adds to the existing XP points if 1.
et.G_ResetXP ( clientNum )
Resets XP of the client.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
et.AddWeaponToPlayer( clientNum, weapon, ammo, ammoclip, setcurrent )
Adds a weapon to a client.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
weapon is the weapon to add. See et.WP_* constants for possible values.
ammon is the number of ammo to add.
ammoclip is the number of ammo clip to add.
setcurrent sets the weapon as current weapon if 1, or does not select it if 0.
Adding a weapon does not automatically add its associated alternate weapon.
et.RemoveWeaponFromPlayer( clientNum, weapon )
Removes a weapon from a client.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
weapon is the weapon to add. See et.WP_* constants for possible values.
Removing a weapon also removes its associated alternate weapon.
et.GetCurrentWeapon( clientNum )
Return weapon, ammo, ammoclip from a client.
clientNum is the slot number of the client.
entnum = et.G_CreateEntity( params )
Creates a new entity.
params are mapscript parameters.
entnum is the returned number of the new entity.
et.G_DeleteEntity( params )
Deletes an entity.
params are mapscript parameters.
entnum = et.G_TempEntity( origin, event )
Spawns a new temp entity to a location.
origin is the location the temp entity is placed.
event is the event type of the entity. See Event types for possible values.
entnum is the returned the number of the new entity.
et.G_FreeEntity( entnum )
Deletes an entity.
entnum is the entity number.
count = et.G_EntitiesFree()
Calculates all free entities.
count is the returned number of free entities.
Free client entities (slots) are not counted.
et.G_SetEntState( entnum, newstate )
Sets an entity state.
entnum is the entity number.
newstate is the new entity state.
et.trap_LinkEntity( entnum )
Links an entity.
entnum is the entity number to link.
et.trap_UnlinkEntity( entnum )
Unlinks an entity.
entnum is the entity number to unlink.
spawnval = et.G_GetSpawnVar( entnum, key )
Returns a value of a spawnvar.
entnum is the entity number of the target.
key is the key for the value to return. See Entity fields for possible values.
spawnval is the returned spawn value.
et.G_SetSpawnVar( entnum, key, value )
Sets spawn value to an entity.
entitynum is the target entity.
key is the key for the value. See Entity fields for possible values.
value is the new value for the key.
variable = et.gentity_get ( entnum, fieldname, arrayindex )
Returns a field value associated with an entity.
entnum is the number of the entity.
fieldname is the name of the field to get. See Fields for possible values.
arrayindex, if present, specifies which element of an array entity field to get.
variable is the returned field value. For NULL entities or clients, nil is returned.
arrayindex is required when accessing array type fields. Array indexes start at 0.
et.gentity_set( entnum, fieldname, arrayindex, value )
Sets a value in an entity.
entnum is the entity number that is manipulated.
fieldname is the name of the field to manipulate. See Fields for possible values.
value is the new value.
arrayindex, if present, specifies which element of an array entity field to set.
et.trap_Trace( start, mins, maxs, end, entNum, mask )
Traces an entity.
start is the starting position.
mins is the minimum point of the bounding box.
maxs is the maximum point of the bounding box.
ends is the ending position.
entNum is the entity number that is being ignored by the trace function.
mask is the content mask.
et.G_HistoricalTrace( ent, start, mins, maxs, end, entNum, mask )
Runs a trace with players in historical positions.
ent is the entity which trace history is handled.
start is the starting position.
mins is the minimum point of the bounding box.
maxs is the maximum point of the bounding box.
ends is the ending position.
entNum is the entity number that is being ignored by the trace function.
mask is the content mask.
et.G_AddEvent( ent, event, eventparm )
Adds an event to the entity event sequence.
ent is the entity which event sequence is handled.
event is the event to add.
eventparm is optional parameter for the event.
et.G_ShaderRemap( oldShader, newShader )
Remaps shader.
oldShader is the old shader.
newShader is the new shader.
Resets remapped shaders.
Flushes remapped shaders.
et.G_SetGlobalFog( params )
Sets global fog to a specific color and density.
params are mapscript fog parameters.